Samstag, 21. Juni 2014

Lady Gaga Surpasses 20 Million Followers On Twitter

Pop star extends her record-breaking Twitter dominance over second-place holder Justin Bieber.
By John Mitchell

<P><a href="">Lady Gaga</a> is known for her prolific Internet presence, and now she can lay claim to another achievement: She's the first person to pass 20 million followers on <a href="!/ladygaga" target="_blank">Twitter</a>. </P><P> </P><P>Mother Monster has yet to acknowledge the feat on her social network of choice, but, on February 9, when she noticed her number of followers eclipsed 19 million, she good-naturedly <a href="!/ladygaga/status/167686723906703360" target="_blank">tweeted</a>, "19 Million Followers!!! HOLY HOOKER!!! *goes back to work*" </P><P> </P><P>Like many celebrities, Gaga has used Twitter to forge a closer relationship with her fans as well as make announcements about her career and respond to criticism, as she recently did when British music magazine <i>NME</i> named her hit album <i>Born This Way</i> the <a href="/news/articles/1679839/lady-gaga-most-pretentious-albums-born-this-way.jhtml">Most Pretentious Album Ever</a>. </P><P> </P><P>Gaga has been the most followed person on Twitter since August 2010, when she blasted past <a href="">Britney Spears</a> for the title when she reached 5.6 million followers. </P><P> </P><P>Spears now enjoys 13.6 million followers, making her the seventh most-followed person on the network. Currently in third place is Katy Perry with 15.7 million followers. Shakira (14.5 million) and Rihanna (14.5 million) are not far behind. </P><P> </P><P>The only person within spitting distance of Gaga on Twitter is <a href="">Justin Bieber</a>. The recent <a href="/news/articles/1680248/justin-bieber-birthday-gifts.jhtml">birthday boy</a> has just over 18 million followers. He is, however, a far more prolific tweeter than Gaga; the <a href=",0,4076491.story" target="_blank"><i>Los Angeles Times</i></a> notes that he has sent out 10 times as many tweets as the "Born This Way" diva. </P><P> </P><P>Gaga also enjoys a massive following on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, where she's been "liked" by nearly 49 million people. But Mother Monster cannot claim being the boss on Facebook. That title belongs to <a href="">Rihanna</a>, who has been liked by nearly 53 million individuals.</p>

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